0156 – Victorinox Classic SD (US Air Force – Air Training Command)

This is a blue 58mm Classic SD with on one side a metal inlaid emblem of the US Air Force, and on the other side a metal inlaid emblem of the Air Training Command.

external links: SAK Wiki

0144 – Victorinox Escort (US Space Command)

This is a blue 58mm Escort with United States Space Command emblem on the front, instead of the Victorinox Shield.

The United States Space Command (USSPACECOM) was a Unified Combatant Command of the United States Department of Defense, created in 1985 and coordinated the Army, Navy and Air Force space forces. In 2002 USSPACECOM merged with United States Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM). In 2018, under the John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019, US Space Command is re-established as a separate Unified Combatant Command.

external links: SAK Wiki   US Space Command (Wikipedia)