0105 – Victorinox Soldier (KM87 Dutch Army Knife)

This is a Victorinox Soldier (model 1961), which was issued to the soldiers in the Dutch navy. On the engraving panel is says “KM 87” which means it was issued to the soldiers in the Koninklijke Marine (Royal Navy) in 1987. 1987 was the only year the Dutch Navy issued the Victorinox Soldier, which makes the KM87 a very rare bird!

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0056 – Victorinox Soldier (KL83 Dutch Army Knife)

This is a Victorinox Soldier (model 1961), which was issued to the soldiers in the Dutch army. On the engraving panel is says “KL 83” which means it was issued to the soldiers in the Koninklijke Landmacht (Royal Army) in 1983. Before 1983 the Dutch army knives were made by a different manufacturer (Amefa). Since 1983 until now the Dutch army knives are made by Victorinox.

The knife has the old plain silver cross logo, a bail and brass liners.

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0045 – Victorinox Dutch Army Knife (2010 model)

This is the 111m Dutch Army Knife, the standard issue of the Dutch armed forces (army, air force and navy). This is the current model, in use since 2010.

It has two liner locked blades: one partial serrated main blade and one gutting/rescue blade. The cap lifter is also liner locked, so it can be used as a prybar.

The scales are green (olive drab) nylon, with the so called “interservice” logo of the Dutch armed forces.

The interservice logo represents three branches of the Dutch armed forces: the army, navy and air force.

external links: SAK Wiki